3 ableton live, 4 nuendo – KRK ERGO User Manual

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AAbblleettoonn LLiivvee™

If this is a new installation and ERGO is your only FireWire

interface, set Ableton for ASIO mode by going into the


menu in the toolbar and selecting


When the screen pop-up window appears, select the

Driver Type

pull-down and choose

ASIO. (Figure 8.1)


Audio Device, select ERGO ASIO.

From here, you can choose sample rates, set the buffer sizes

using the

Hardware Setup button, and set the Input and Output

Configs to your preference (stereo or mono channels).





Access the

Device Setup window and select VST Audio System

in the

Devices list in the left pane of the screen. (Figure 8.2)


ERGO from the ASIO Driver menu. Then, select the ERGO

driver from the Devices pane.

To open the control panel in Windows, click the


Panel button. Using Mac OS X, access System Preferences from

the Apple menu or from the Dock. If you’re using the Mac’s

built-in audio hardware, you can use the Sound Control Panel in

System Preferences for your settings. However, if you’re using

ASIO audio hardware, click the

Control Panel button. Click

AAppppllyy and then O

OKK to close the dialog box.

If you do not see your specific DAW described, please refer to

your DAW’s User’s Manual (especially the chapters related to

Hardware/Software configuration, Audio Drivers’ selection, etc).

You may also check for updates.

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Figure 8.1

Figure 8.2