Ergo panels and connections, 1 back panels and connections, Eerrg – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 7: O ppaanneellss aanndd ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss, 1 back panel and connections

22.. EERRG
O PPaanneellss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
BBaacckk PPaanneell aanndd CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
In the Back panel (Figure 2), ERGO includes:
• On/Off Switch
• Power Input
• FireWire Ports
• Cal Mic Input
• Line Inputs (L & R)
• Calibrate button
• Speaker A and B/Sub Outputs
• Headphone Output
Offff SSwwiittcchh
It switches the unit On or Off…
PPoowweerr IInnppuutt
ERGO’s power input accepts a 12VDC power supply capable of
delivering a minimum of 1 amp. If you intend to keep ERGO
hooked up to the FireWire port on your computer (6-pin), you do
not need to use the external power supply, as ERGO is designed
to use the power coming in via the 6-pin FireWire port.
While ERGO can use a 6-pin FireWire port’s power for itself,
many times this will be a bit “noisy.” If you find this to be true in
your case and you think ERGO is not providing the best sonic
quality that it can, go back to using the external power supply.
Keep in mind, that you will always need to plug ERGO into the
external power supply when using a mini 4-pin FireWire cable
since it does not provide power like its 6-pin counterpart.
Wiirree ppoorrttss
These 2 ports allow input and daisy chaining of FireWire signals.
One of these ports must be used while ERGO is measuring and
calibrating your room.
Noottee Usually, the FireWire port is only used when ERGO is
running its room analysis. After the analysis is complete, you
can unplug the FireWire interface and still use ERGO in
Standalone mode using the Line or SPDIF Inputs.
It receives digital audio data.
CCaall M
Miicc IInnppuutt
This jack is used to connect the ERGO measurement microphone.
It is only used during the calibration process.
Noottee It is recommended that you use the mic supplied with
ERGO for room calibration. ERGO supplies a 15V phantom
power source to its microphone, and using other mics for
calibration may result in poor room analysis and improper
correction filters.
LLiinnee IInnppuuttss ((LL && RR))
These balanced/unbalanced audio inputs are used either as
inputs from your existing audio interface or as recording inputs
from a mixer. You may want to use the Analog Inputs for one of
the following reasons:
Figure 2