6 room knowledge – KRK ERGO User Manual

Page 24

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Then, click YYEESS to store your measurements (Figure 5.23).

If you choose to continue with more measurements, select YES

and follow ERGO’s prompts. Some rooms take many

measurements; some can reach this level with only 3

measurements. ERGO will not let you store a room correction

until Room Knowledge is at least 90%. You may continue taking

additional measurements to increase Room Knowledge, which

will result in a more accurate correction filter.

So, what did ERGO just measure?

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Room Knowledge indicates how much information has been

gathered about the room. In normal rooms, a listening position

measurement and a minimum of 34 additional measurements

are adequate to get a Room Knowledge of 90% or better

regarding the room’s acoustic properties. Once Room

Knowledge reaches this range, ERGO can begin processing the

room. Additional measurements can improve Room Knowledge,

up to 100%. With ERGO Cal, measurements are analyzed in


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Knowledge about the room is calculated and if the measurement

positions have not gathered enough information, you can take

further measurements until there is enough information present

for a proper analysis. (Figure 5.24)

When sufficient Room Knowledge has been obtained, target

curves, focus filters (listening position) and global filters (general

room filter) are generated automatically and stored in ERGO.

...and you’re done with room calibration.

The following screen will appear and prompt you to release the

Calibrate button – go ahead and do it. (Figure 5.25)

Figure 5.23

Figure 5.24

Figure 5.25