Troubleshooting, Ttrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg – KRK ERGO User Manual

Page 31

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If you’re having trouble with ERGO, check out these tips.

PPoowweerr LLEEDD//kknnoobb LLEEDDss ddoo nnoott iilllluum

miinnaattee wwhheenn ppoowweerr sswwiittcchh iiss

ttuurrnneedd oonn..

• FireWire port is not supplying enough power for ERGO.

Use the 12VDC power adapter to power up ERGO.

• Is power switch REALLY turned on? Check it again while

using the external adapter.

• Is the AC outlet working?



O CCaall ddooeess nnoott rruunn..

• Driver is not installed properly.

• ERGO is not plugged into a FireWire port.

• Power is not applied to ERGO.


Miiccrroopphhoonnee ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk..

• You need to have the Calibrate switch on the back of

ERGO pushed in in order for the mic to work. Make sure the

Calibrate LED on the Front Panel is illuminated.

• Use only the KRK mic! Don't plug in any other mic for

calibration. If you lose your KRK mic, you can buy a new

one from KRK customer support at (954) 316-1580.



O CCaall aasskkss ffoorr lloottss ooff m



• That's OK. It can take between 3 and 9 measurements

before you get to 90% or greater Room Knowledge.


m KKnnoowwlleeddggee nneevveerr ggeettss ttoo 110000%%..

• Some things in life cannot be fully understood—like

your spouse, for example. So, your room may be another

one of these things. As long as Room Knowledge is 90%

greater, your mixes will sound better.

II ddoonn’’tt hheeaarr aa ddiiffffeerreennccee bbeettwweeeenn EERRG


O iinn bbyyppaassss aanndd

pprroocceessssiinngg m


Your room may already be very good, so ERGO isn't doing

much. This is very unlikely, however. ERGO's effects can range

from subtle to extreme, so there should be a difference. In

particular, listen for the following:

• Improved imaging

• Tighter bass

• More definition among instruments

ERGO's goal is not to make the mix “sweeter” but to make it

more accurate. If you don't think you are hearing something,

finish the mix, and see how it translates to other environments.

This is proof that ERGO is working. If you are still not hearing

what you believe is an accurate mix, you may have problems


• Your monitors - get a pair of KRK monitors!

• Your ears - Cotton swabs are relatively inexpensive, and can

perform wonders.

• Your brain - please refrain from mind-altering

substances when using and/or evaluating ERGO. Your

auditory faculties and the processing thereof will be

greatly enhanced.

Also, visit the ERGO forum and talk to us! We can help! Go to and click the Forum link.

99.. TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg