Ergo control panel description, Eerrg, O ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell ddeessccrriippttiioonn – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 16

This section describes ERGO’s Control Panel including
configurable parameters and system information. (Figure 4)
Noottee Remember that ERGO Control Panel is available for
Windows only. Go to
Start > Programs > KRK ERGO and
click EERRG
O CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell to open it.
SSppeeaakkeerr M
Allows you to select to use only your A speakers, A and B, or A
and Sub(s) (referred to as Subwoofer mode).
SSuubbwwooooffeerr SSeettttiinnggss
If selecting Subwoofer mode, use this section to adjust your
crossover settings.
TTiipp Remember that in a speaker crossover network, the
crossover frequency is the frequency point that represents the
upper or lower range limits of a given speaker driver. In a
two-way speaker system, the crossover frequency would be
the point where the low frequency driver begins to roll off
and the high frequency driver starts to cut in.
O IInnffoo
This is a read-only display that indicates the current system
firmware revision, DSP firmware revision, and your FireWire ID.
This display lights to indicate ERGO’s sample rate.
AAuuddiioo SSeettttiinnggss
Use the associated pull down boxes to select ERGO’s sample
rate (Figure 4.1) and ASIO buffer size (Figure 4.2).
Noottee Reducing the buffer size can decrease the amount of
latency while monitoring and recording audio. Increasing
the buffer size can reduce and /or eliminate some audio
artifacts such as pops and clicks while recording.
44.. EERRG
O CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Figure 4
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2