1 enabling calibration, 2 adjusting ergo's volume, 2 adjusting ergo’s volume – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 19

55..22..11 EEnnaabblliinngg CCaalliibbrraattiioonn
If the Calibrate button is Off, check ERGO’s Back panel and
press it (Figure 5.8). The Calibrate LED located on the Front
panel will lit (green).
If the Calibrate button is already On, just click Enter. (Figure 5.9)
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55..22..22 AAddjjuussttiinngg EERRG
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The next step is to adjust ERGO’s volume to a proper level, so it
is adequate for the calibration process.
There are two volume adjustments. The first ensures that you
have the volume set so that ERGO can hear audio. This is
typically at the 10 o’clock volume position. During the second
volume adjustment, ERGO measures the sound pressure from
your speakers. The level is
moderately loud. If you feel that the
volume is too high or that your speakers may be at risk and
ERGO is telling you that the volume is too low, accept the
current level by following the instructions provided in the screen.
ERGO will use this volume level and attempt to perform a
In the first volume adjustment the following screen will inform
you whether the volume level is acceptable or requires
adjustment. (Figure 5.10).
If the message displayed indicates that the volume is too low or
too high, adjust the big Volume knob until you get the “Volume
Ok message”, typically at 10 o’clock (Figure 5.11).
Figure 5.8
Figure 5.9
Figure 5.10