Ergo calibration software (ergo cal), 1 set up, Eerrg – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 17: O ccaalliibbrraattiioonn ssooffttwwaarree

ERGO Cal is your friend. Get to know, and love it.
Double click ERGO Cal icon (located as shortcut in your
desktop or within the Applications folder). Once you initialize
ERGO Cal, the following screen appears (Figure 5).
Then, ERGO is ready to measure your room (Figure 5.1)
All of the magic starts from here. ERGO is pretty good about
letting you know what it needs. It’ll tell you when to click EEnntteerr
and when it needs something that it isn’t being given. All you
have to do is pretty much follow the prompts that appear as you
step through the program. So, now do what it says and click
SSeett UUpp
AArree yyoouu pplluuggggeedd iinn??
After you’ve plugged in your speakers and calibration mic, click
EEnntteerr. (Figure 5.2)
AArree yyoouu uussiinngg EERRG
O iinn SSppeeaakkeerr oorr SSuubbwwooooffeerr M
This screen asks if you’re going to use ERGO in Subwoofer mode
(where you have a sub connected directly to ERGO). Well, are
you? Choose YES or NO. If NO, go to Speaker mode. If YES, go
to Subwoofer mode. (Figure 5.3)
55.. EERRG
O CCaalliibbrraattiioonn SSooffttwwaarree ((EERRG
O CCaall))
Figure 5
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.2
Figure 5.3