Configuring the solaris os – Sun Microsystems X4150 User Manual

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Chapter 4

Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System


Configuring the Solaris OS

To configure the preinstalled Solaris OS:

1. Log in to the service processor as an administrator. For example:

Login: root
Password: changeme

2. Start the LOM console.


a. Type: cd /SP/AgentInfo

b. Type: start Console

Refer to the Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) Administration Guide for
detailed information.


Type: start/SP/Console

Select one of the following routes:
Specify IP address. An /etc/defaultrouter file is created with the

specified IP address. When the system is rebooted, the specified IP
address becomes the default route.

Detect IP address. Let the Solaris installation program detect an IP

address. However, the system must be on a subnet that has a router
that advertises itself by using the ICMP router discovery protocol. If
you are using the command-line interface, the software detects an IP
address when the system is booted.

None. Select None if you do not have a router or do not want the

software to detect an IP address at this time. The software
automatically tries to detect an IP address on reboot.

Time zone

How do you want to specify your default
time zone?

Geographic region*
Offset from GM
Time zone file

Root password

Choose a root password for the system.


Installation Worksheet

Installation Information


Enter System Configuration:
Asterisk (*) indicates default.