Sony PDW-1500 User Manual

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Overview

1-1 Features of the PDW-1500................ 15
1-2 Using the CD-ROM Manual .............. 16

1-2-1 CD-ROM System Requirements ..... 16
1-2-2 Preparations ..................................... 16
1-2-3 Reading the CD-ROM Manual........ 16

Chapter 2 Names and Functions of

2-1 Front Panel ........................................ 19
2-2 Rear Panel ......................................... 26

Chapter 3 Preparations

3-1 Connections and Settings................ 29

3-1-1 Connecting an External Monitor ..... 29
3-1-2 Connections for Using PDZ-1 Proxy

Browsing Software .......................... 30

3-1-3 Connecting to a Nonlinear Editing Sys-

tem ................................................... 32

3-1-4 Connections for Cut Editing ............ 33

3-2 Setup .................................................. 36
3-3 Setting the Date and Time ................ 36
3-4 Superimposed Text Information ...... 37
3-5 Handling Discs .................................. 38

3-5-1 Discs Used for Recording and Playback


3-5-2 Notes on Handling ........................... 38
3-5-3 Write-Protecting Discs .................... 38
3-5-4 Loading and Unloading a Disc ........ 39
3-5-5 Formatting a Disc ............................ 39

Chapter 4 Recording/Playback

4-1 Recording .......................................... 41

4-1-1 Preparations for Recording .............. 41
4-1-2 Recording Time Code and User Bit

Values .............................................. 42

4-1-3 Synchronizing the Internal Time Code

Generator With an External Signal—
External Lock................................... 43

4-1-4 Recording Operation........................ 44

4-2 Playback ............................................ 45

4-2-1 Preparations for Playback ................ 45

4-2-2 Playback Operation.......................... 45

Chapter 5 Editing

5-1 Thumbnail Search............................. 49
5-2 Using PDZ-1 Proxy Browsing Software

5-2-1 Carrying Out a Clip List Playback...50

Chapter 6 Menus

6-1 Menu System Configuration ............ 53
6-2 Basic Setup Menu ............................. 54

6-2-1 Items in the Basic Setup Menu ........ 54
6-2-2 Basic Menu Operations.................... 56

6-3 Extended Menu ................................. 59

6-3-1 Items in the Extended Menu ............ 59
6-3-2 Extended Menu Operations ............. 67

6-4 Maintenance Menu............................ 70

6-4-1 Items in the Maintenance Menu ...... 70
6-4-2 Maintenance Menu Operations........ 71

6-5 System Menu..................................... 74

6-5-1 Items in the System Menu ............... 74

Chapter 7 Maintenance and Trouble-

7-1 Periodic Maintenance ....................... 75

7-1-1 Digital Hours Meter......................... 75


Specifications.......................................... 77

Index......................................................... 81