Siemens sl2_141 User Manual

Page 101

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Chapter 5:Connection Mode


text and sends back to the router. Both

unencrypted and encrypted can be
monitored, yet it leaves the bridge

open to attack from any intruder if he

calculates the WEP key by comparing
the text strings That is why shared key
authentication can be less secure than

open authentication.


Choose the typing method of encryption key.
You have to click either Hexadecimal digits
or ASCII characters and type the keys on
the fields of Key 1 to Key 4.

Key 1 to 4:
Type the encryption key length and fill out
WEP keys. As for 128-bit WEP mode, the
number you can type is that 13 characters or
26 hexadecimal digits.

Default Transmission Key:
Select one of network key that you set on the
Key boxes as the default one.

After finished settings, click Apply for