3 solaris 2.3 hardware: 8/94 software requirements – Sun Microsystems SunFastEthernet Adapte User Manual
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Installing SunFastEthernet Software Using Solaris 2.x
2. Create an appropriate entry in the /etc/hosts file for each active be channel.
Using the example in step 1, you will have:
Once /etc/hostname.be
files are created/updated:
3. Halt the system using the shutdown -i0 command.
4. Once the system has been halted, proceed to Chapter 2, “Installing the
4.3 Solaris 2.3 Hardware: 8/94 Software Requirements
Solaris 2.3 Hardware: 8/94 is the second Solaris 2 release supporting the
SunFastEthernet. The driver for the SunFastEthernet is installed from the
package SUNWbmac. You will find this package on the Solaris 2.3 Hardware:
8/94 CD. Follow the installation instructions that come with the CD.
The Solaris 2.3 Hardware: 8/94 software is shipped on a single CD. The CD
software for this distribution is divided into five software packages or clusters
(see following table). The driver for the SunFastEthernet Adapter
(SUNWbmac) is bundled on the “Entire Distribution plus OEM Support” cluster
which automatically installs the driver SUNWbmac. In this instance you
should then proceed directly to Chapter 2, Section 2.2, “Testing the
SunFastEthernet Adapter Card Before Booting the System”.
For the “Entire Distribution”, “Programmer” and ”End User Support” clusters, the
driver is installed only if SunFastEthernet Adapter hardware is installed in the
system If this is the case (hardware already installed) then proceed to Chapter
2, Section 2.2, “Testing the SunFastEthernet Adapter Card Before Booting the
zardoz# cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
# localhost zardoz loghost zardoz-11 zardoz-12