IBM DR550 User Manual
Page 100

IBM System Storage DR550
Version 3.0 ------17 March 2006
Page 100
IBM Storage Systems
Copyright © 2006 by International Business Machines Corporation
IMPORTANT: The user profile file name must be userdata.txt. The file content must be in the
format as described in step 2. In addition, the file must be placed in the appropriate directory in the
DS4000 Storage Server management station as indicated in step 4.
Perform the following steps to create the user profile:
1. Download the userdata.txt template file from one of the following Web site:
The userdata.txt template is named "userdata.txt".
2. Type in the required information.
There should be seven lines of information in the file. The first line should always be "Title: IBM
FAStT Product". The other line contain the company name, company address, contact name,
contact phone number, alternate phone number, and machine location information. Do not split the
information for a given item; for example, do not put the company address on multiple lines. Use
only one line for each item.
Note: When you type in the text for the userdata.txt file, the colon (:) is the only legal separator
between the required label and the data. No extraneous data is allowed (blanks, commas, and so
on) in the label unless specified. Labels are not case sensitive.
The Title field of the userdata.txt file must always be "IBM FAStT Product". The rest of the fields
should be completed for your specific DS4100 Storage Server installation.
Following is an example of a completed userdata.txt user profile:
Title: IBM FAStT Product
Company name: IBM (73HA Department)
Address: 3039 Cornwallis Road, RTP, NC 27709
Contact name: John Doe
Contact phone number: 919-254-0000
Alternate phone number: 919-254-0001
Machine location: Building 205 Lab, 1300
3. Save the userdata.txt file in ASCII format.
4. Store the userdata.txt file in the appropriate subdirectory of the DS4000 Storage Server
management station. For AIX(R), store the userdata.txt file in the / directory.
Renaming the storage subsystem and synchronizing the controller clock
When you register for Service Alert, you must change the existing node ID of each DS4100 Storage
Server. Service Alert uses this new name to identify which DS4100 Storage Server has generated
the problem e-mail. You rename the storage subsystem using DS4000 Storage Manager client.
Before you can rename the storage subsystem, you must know the DS4100 Storage Server
machine type, model, and serial number. This information is located on the front of the machine (on
the right edge of the frame).
Perform the following steps to rename the storage subsystem: