Intel SE8500HW4 User Manual
Page 51

Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Server Management
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D22893-001
Serial Over LAN (SOL)
Serial Over LAN (SOL) provides bi-directional transport of system COM2 serial data
encapsulated in IPMI over LAN packets. This provides out-of-band LAN access to the BIOS
console redirection, service partition application communication, or operating system console
interaction without the BIOS or software being LAN-enabled or aware of anything beyond a
serial port interface. The console type will be set to VT100+ and data bits will be set to
8bits/charatecter, no parity and 1 stop bit as per IPMI messaging requirement.
The BMC supports the Intel proprietary SOL (now known as SOL 1.0) as well as the IPMI 2.0-
defined SOL feature, implemented as a standard payload type over RMCP+. The Intel
Board Set SE8500HW4 provides the SOL interface via the GCM port and IMM Advanced.
Emergency Management Port (EMP) Interface
The EMP interface is the Intel implementation of the IPMI 2.0 over serial/modem feature,
providing an out-of-band RS232 connection into the server management subsystem. This gives
system administrators the ability to access low-level server management firmware functions by
using commonly available tools. To make it easy to use and provide the most compatibility with
LAN and IPMB protocols, the protocol adopts some features of both protocols.
Both the basic and PPP/UDP proxy modes of IPMI over serial/modem are supported and are
available regardless of the system DC power state. The callback feature is also supported to
provide another level of server security. Hardware handshaking, Ring Indicate (RI) and Data
Carrier Detect (DCD) signals are also supported.
The Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 provides the EMP interface through the COM1
connector. The BMC has control over which agent (BMC or system) has access to COM1.