Server management – Intel SE8500HW4 User Manual
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Server Management
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D22893-001
5. Server
Intel server management consists of many embedded technologies that consist of a
combination of board instrumentation, sensors, interconnects, server management controllers,
firmware algorithms, and the system BIOS. The Intel Server Management (ISM) 8.x application
provides a systems management application for monitoring server hardware and operating
system performance and health. The Intel Server Deployment Toolkit provides utilities that help
integrate server building blocks for optimal operation. This toolkit includes tools for configuring
FRU, SDR, firmware and BIOS; viewing the SEL; and capturing personality (settings) of one
server and transferring the personality to another identical server.
The Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 platform management system is based on the IPMI
v2.0 Specification and includes the following major elements:
Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
IPMI messaging, commands, and abstractions
Sensors for status, voltage, temperature and fan speed
Sensor Data Records (SDRs) and SDR repository
Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) information and System Globally Unique ID (GUID)
Autonomous event logging
System Event Log (SEL) [3276 events]
BMC watchdog timer, covering the BIOS and run-time software
IPMI channels, sessions, and users
EMP (Emergency Management Port): IPMI messaging over serial/modem. This feature
is also referred to as Direct Platform Control (DPC) over serial/modem.
Serial/modem paging
Serial/modem/LAN alerting using the Platform Event Trap (PET) format
DPC (Direct Platform Control): IPMI messaging over LAN (available via on-board
network controllers)
Platform Event Filtering (PEF)
ICMB (Intelligent Chassis Management Bus) - IPMI messaging between chassis
IPMI Terminal Mode support
PCI SMBus support
Fault Resilient Booting (FRB)
Magic Packet* and Wake On LAN (WOL) / Power On LAN support
BIOS logging of POST progress and POST errors
Integration with the BIOS console redirection via IPMI v1.5 serial port sharing
Serial Over LAN (SOL) support
Wake On Ring (WOR) support
Figure 7 shows a logical block diagram of the server management for the Intel
Server Board
Set SE8500HW4 and both the Intel
Server Platform SR4850HW4 and Intel
Server Platform