Intel SE8500HW4 User Manual
Page 38

Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Memory Board
Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Intel order number D22893-001
4.5.6 Power
The Baseboard supplies 12V and 3.3V power to the Memory Board. The Memory Board has on
board regulators to generate 1.8V, 1.5V and 0.9V. The XMB requires 1.5V and 1.8V, the DIMMs
require 1.8V and DIMM termination requires 0.9V. The I
C devices use the 3.3V
from the
4.6 Memory Hot Plug
Prerequisite for Memory Hot Plug
Before performing a Memory Board hot remove or add, ensure the system BIOS is configured to
support this operation, and the operating system supports this capability. See Chapter 10.1 for
more information about memory modes and their support for memory hot plug operations.
Memory Board Hot Remove
If the board is already powered on, the following steps are required to ensure proper removal:
1. Press the attention button. The attention LED will begin flashing to indicate that the BIOS is
preparing the board for a hot remove. The System BIOS will copy the data off the board and
the attention LED will continue to flash as this operation completes.
2. When the attention LED stops flashing and turns off and the power LED has turned off,
disengage the retention latch and remove the Memory Board. If the power LED does not
turn off, the memory configuration may not support memory hot plug events, see Section
10.1 for more information.
Memory Board Hot Add
1. Plug the Memory Board into the Mainboard and engage the retention latch.
2. Press the attention button to alert the BIOS that a Memory Board has been added to the
system. The BIOS will prepare the board for operation and, depending on the memory
mode, may blink the power LED to indicate the board is not yet available. When the power
LED is on the board is in use. If the power LED does not stay solid green, the BIOS has
rejected the Memory Board, see Section 10.1 for more information.