1 i.mx27 3-stack features – Freescale Semiconductor i.MX27 PDK 1.0 User Manual
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i.MX27 PDK 1.0 Hardware User's Guide, Rev. 1.0 Freescale
1.1 i.MX27 3-Stack Features
The 3-Stack system can be used in two ways: the development mode requires a three-board
assembly; the demonstration mode requires only a two-board assembly (without the Debug
The system includes the following features
• Near form-factor demonstration modules and working platforms.
• Solid reference schematics that closely resemble final products to aid customers’ designs.
• Three-board system, which includes:
⎯ CPU board with i.MX27 ARM9 MCU, MC13783 chip
⎯ Personality board with peripheral components and interface connectors
⎯ Debug board with two RS-232 interfaces, 10/100 Base-T Ethernet connector, and
current measure connectors.
• Utilizes reliable high-density connector to interface between boards.
Figure 1-2 illustrates the three-board assembly (left) for development and the two-board assembly
(right) for demonstration.
Figure 1-2 Board Assemblies