62 inp:rs:add Page 98: 65 inp:rs:firs, 66 inp:rs:iden |var|none, Inp:rs:add :rs:iden |var|none
Page 98: 65 inp:rs:firs, 66 inp:rs:iden |var|none, Inp:rs:add :rs:iden |var|none

1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
A channel’s Calculation setting will be changed from temperature to resistance (see Section,
fied input and the resistor assignment for the input is set to variable. A channel’s Reference Resistor (Rs)
setting will be changed from the specified input to the internal 100 Ω resistor if the resistor assignment for the
input is being set to none. INP:RS:ADD
Example command: INP:RS:ADD “R25_01322”
Password protection: Resistor Protection
Adds a new resistor definition to the Resistor Library. Before a resistor can be assigned to an input (see com-
mands INP:RS:FRON:IDEN and INP:RS:REAR:IDEN) and used as a reference resistor, the resistor must
have its definition added to the Resistor Library.
ward slashes, and underscores. It must be between one and 22 characters in length, inclusive.
new resistor definition will be added and given the specified ID. The resistor parameters will initially be set to
default values. The command INP:RS:PAR should be used to set the parameters.
tor definition is added, and error -224, “Illegal parameter value” will be generated in the error queue. INP:RS:COUN?
Reads the number of resistor definitions in the Resistor Library. INP:RS:DEL
Example command: CALC:PROB:DEL “R25_01322”
Password protection: Resistor Protection
Deletes a resistor definition from the Resistor Library.
Resistor Library, nothing is deleted, and error -224, “Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
If the deleted resistor was assigned to an input (see commands INP:RS:FRON:IDEN and
INP:RS:REAR:IDEN), the input’s reference resistor (Rs) setting will be changed to variable. The Calcula-
tion setting for any channel that used the input for its Reference Resistor (Rs) setting will be changed from
temperature or resistance to ratio. INP:RS:FIRS?
Example response: “R25_01322”
Reads the ID of the first resistor in the Resistor Library. It also resets the catalog index used by the
INP:RS:NEXT? command.
If the Probe Library is empty, no response is given and error -230,“Data corrupt or stale” is generated in the
error queue. INP
Example command: INP2:RS:IDEN “R25_01322”
Example command: INP4:RS:IDEN NONE
Query form: INP
Example query response: “R25_01322”
Example query response: VAR