84 sens:aver2[:stat]

Page 103: 87 sens[][:fres]:data, 88 sens[]:rrat:data, Sens:aver2[:stat]

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Remote Operation

Interface Commands

Password protection: Measure Protection
Sets the Average Enable for the sample average (see Section, TIMING SETTINGS (F2), on page

The *RST command sets Average Enable to the default setting which is ON. SENS:AVER2[:STAT]

Query form: SENS:AVER2?
Password protection: Measure Protection
Sets the digital filter’s Filter Enable (see Section, DIGITAL FILTER (F3), on page 41).
The *RST command sets Filter Enable to the default setting which is ON. SENS:AVER2:COUN

Query form: SENS:AVER2:COUN?
Alternate parameter: DEF, MIN, MAX
Password protection: Measure Protection
Sets the digital filter’s Average Count setting (see Section, DIGITAL FILTER (F3), on page 41).
Parameter is the average count. Allowed values range from 2 through 100.
This setting is only meaningful when Filter Enable is ON.
The *RST command sets Average Count to the default setting, which is 30. SENS:AVER2:CLEA

Clears the digital filter buffer. This is equivalent to pressing the CLEAR FILTER function key in the Digital

Filter screen (see Section, DIGITAL FILTER (F3), on page 41). SENS[][:FRES]:DATA?

Example command: SENS4:DATA?
Example response: 44.221571
Reads a channel’s latest resistance measurement.
Suffix is the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel input, 5 through 14 for

channels of the first attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second attached scanner. If the

suffix number is omitted, the latest measurement regardless of channel is returned.
If the Calculation setting for the channel is either RESISTANCE or TEMPERATURE (see Section,

CALC:TYPE TEMP|RES|RAT, on page 80), a resistance value in ohms is returned. If calculation is

ratio, a resistance ratio value is returned. In either case, the returned value is obtained after processing by the

digital filter.
If no measurement is available, no response is returned and error code -230, “Data corrupt or stale” is gener-

ated in the error queue. SENS[]:RRAT:DATA?

Example command: SENS4:RRAT:DATA?
Example response: 1.30244715
Reads a channel’s latest resistance ratio measurement.
Suffix is required, which specifies the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel

input, 5 through 14 for channels of the first attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second at-

tached scanner. If the suffix number is omitted, the latest measurement regardless of channel is returned.

This manual is related to the following products: