43 disp:warn:its Page 93: 46 init:stop:beep
Page 93: 46 init:stop:beep

Remote Operation
Interface Commands
Sets the display Rs Due Alert enable (see Section, USER SETTINGS (F1), on page 47). The default
setting is OFF. DISP:WARN:ITS
Query form: DISP:WARN:ITS?
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the display ITS-90 Subrange Alert enable (see Section, USER SETTINGS (F1), on page 47).
The default setting is ON. FETC?
Example command: FETCH? 4
Example response: 231.92811,C,4,2009-03-23 14:33:20
Reads a channel’s latest measurement.
nels of a first attached scanner, or 15 through 24 for channels of a second attached scanner. If the
parameter is omitted, the latest measurement regardless of channel is returned.
If a measurement is available, the response is given in the following format:
The number of decimal places depends on the measured parameter. Trailing zeros are omitted.
a resistance ratio measurement.
scanner, or 15 through 24 for channels of a second scanner.
format. The date is in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
If no measurement is available, no response is returned and error code -230, “Data corrupt or stale,” is gener-
ated in the error queue. The command STAT:OPER? may be used first to determine whether a new measure-
ment has completed, and command STAT:QUES:COND? may be used to determine whether the new measure-
ment is valid before an attempt is made to read it. INIT:CONT
Query form: INIT:CONT?
Starts or stops measurement. This is equivalent to pressing the START MEASUREMENT or STOP MEA-
SUREMENT function key in the Measurement Screen. A
0 disables measurement.
The *RST command disables measurement. INIT:STOP:BEEP
Query form: INIT:STOP:BEEP?
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the stop timer’s Audio Indication setting (see Section, TIMING SETTINGS (F2), on page 39).
The *RST command sets Timer Beep to the default option which is ON. INIT:STOP:DUR
Example command: INIT:STOP:DUR 1200
Query form: INIT:STOP:DUR?