3 config (f3), Config (f3) – Fluke 1595A User Manual

Page 62

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1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer

Main Menu


SUBNET MASK - specifies the network’s subnet mask when DHCP is OFF. Gateway and Subnet Mask are

not available when DHCP is set to ON.
HOST NAME - is a name that may be used to identify the Super-Thermometer on the network. It may consist

of a combination of letters and digits, up to 16 characters in length. The first character must be a letter. Hyphen

characters are allowed within the Host Name string. The default Host Name is “F159X-”,

where is the unique serial number of the Super-Thermometer.
CONTROL ENABLE - determines whether remote interface commands are accepted via the network port.

The options for this setting are OFF, ON, and QUERY ONLY. When the setting is OFF, the Super-Thermom-

eter will not accept or respond to any commands received from the network port. When the option is ON all

commands are allowed, though some may be password protected. The QUERY ONLY option allows data and

settings to be read but not changed. The default is ON.


When Control Enable is either OFF or QUERY ONLY, the web page will not be fully

functional. IEEE-488 (F4)


The IEEE-488 function key opens the IEEE-488 configuration screen with the following configuration fields:
PORT ENABLE - determines whether the IEEE-488 port is enabled (ON). When the port is disabled, no

communications can occur. The default option is OFF.
ADDRESS - is the IEEE-488 address assigned to the Super-Thermometer. It must be different than all other

equipment on the IEEE-488 bus. The address may be set to any number between 1 and 30 inclusive. The

default setting is 22.
TERMINATION - determines whether a carriage return character (ASCII code 13) or linefeed character

(ASCII code 10) terminates a response. The default option is LINEFEED. An IEEE-488 EOI message also ac-

companies the final character of every transmission.
The IEEE-488 port accepts either, or any combination of, a linefeed, carriage return, or EOI as a terminator.
The CLEAR INTERFACE (F1) function key is used to clear the input and output buffers and reset the IEEE-

488 interface, just as if the IFC or SDC control message was received.



The Errors screen allows the user to view errors stored in the remote interface error queue. They can also be

read using the remot command “SYST:ERR?” (see Section 8, Remote Operation, on page 65)
The screen shows a list of all the errors, with the earliest error at the top. Errors are identified with their queue

position number, error code, and message string. The error queue can hold up to ten errors. If the queue over-

flows with errors, the last error is replaced with a “Queue overflow” error message.
The Errors screen contains the CLEAR ERRORS (F1) function key that, when pressed, clears all errors from

the error queue. CONFIG (F3)


The Configuration screen provides the means for storing the instrument configuration and recalling it later.

Several different configurations may be stored to allow quick and easy setup from user to user or from one ap-

plication to another. The following function keys are located in this screen.

This manual is related to the following products: