Configure network manager ip address, Configure network manager ip address -6 – Quintum Technologies Tenor AX User Manual

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P/N 480-0062-00-10

Chapter 6: Advanced Topic: SNMP/IVR


The quintum.exe file is added to the HPOVRoot\bin directory.

These files are added to the HPOVRoot\bitmaps\C directory:


The quintum.fields file is added to the HPOVRoot\fields\C directory, and is installed and veri-
fied using the "OVW -fields" command.

The quintum.reg file is added to the HPOVRoot\registration\C directory.

These files are added to the D:\hpovnnm\symbols\C\Connector directory:


8. HP Openview will then identify and “auto-discover” the Tenor unit as an SNMP agent. An icon

will appear on the screen to represent each Tenor AX unit. See below.

Figure 6-1 Tenor SNMP Agent Icon

Configure Network Manager IP address

Through Tenor AX’s Command Line interface (CLI), you can configure the IP address for the net-
work management site where HP Openview is running. Once the IP address is configured, the Tenor
will be able to process and generate traps for existing alarms, which will enable HP Openview to
monitor the Tenor AX unit for alarm states.

To set the IP address, use the following CLI command:

con-MasterChassis> snmptrapip1 . This command configures the IP address of the network
management site in the Tenor AX unit from which the SNMP traps will be generated. Valid entry:
The index number of 1-3 (the index number is used to designate the index # for the network man-
ager to be used) followed by the IP address for the network management site.You can assign a Tenor
unit up to three network managers; each manager will have a different index number.