Quintum Technologies Tenor AX User Manual
Page 66

P/N 480-0062-00-10
Chapter 4: Advanced Topic: View Call Detail Records
Sample Record for Extended Tenor AX CDR Format 3, 4, 103, 104:
Record 1 Sample: (includes fields for formats 3 and 103)
Record 1 Field Definitions - Tenor AX Extended Formats (3 and 103)
1 (Call ID), 17325551212 (Called Number), 15 (Duration), 20000207062812 (Call Initiation
Time), 20000207062815 (Call Connected Time), 2000020706283030 (Call Disconnected Time),
16 (Cause Code), (Local IP Address), (Remote IP Address), 4
(Origination Trunk ID), 1 (Call Type), 1 (Call Number Type), 2 (Incoming Slot), 0 (Incoming
Device), 1 (Incoming Digital Interface) 1 (Incoming Channel), 2 (Outgoing Slot), 0 (Outgoing
Device), 1 Outgoing Digital Interface), 1 (Outgoing Channel), blank (AutoSwitch Time), blank
(AutoSwitch Duration), 0 (Bad IP Quality Events), 0 (AutoSwitch Flag), 1415551000 (Calling
Party Number), 12345678901234 (PIN Code), 0123456789 (Local Call ID #), 9876543210
(Remote Call ID #)
The 4 and 104 extended format includes all fields used in the 3 and 103 extended format plus the
following field:
12138765432 (Incoming/Outgoing IP DN).
Definitions for each field appears below.
Call ID: Sequence number. This is a unique number assigned to identify an individual call (i.e, 1, 2,
3,…). The sequence number starts from 1 and wraps around at 4,294,967,295. When a Tenor unit
resets, the sequence number starts from 1 again. If the system has a problem and loses connectivity,
the CDR server can send the Tenor AX unit the last Call ID that it received. The Tenor AX unit will
reply with all records that contain a Call ID which is greater than the one last received.
Called #: The number called. This will be in international format except for a pass-through call
going from PBX to PSTN or a call going from PSTN to PBX.
Duration: Call duration. This value is in seconds, the value will be 0 if never connected.
Call Initiation Time: The date and time the call initiated. The time will be the local time configured
on the Tenor AX unit. The entry will be in the following format: yyyymmddhhmmss where yyyy (4
digits for year), mm (2 digits for month), dd (2 digits for day), hh (2 digits for hour), mm (2 digits
for minutes), ss (2 digits for seconds).
Call Connected Time: The date and time the call was actually connected. The time will be the local
time configured on the Tenor AX unit. The entry will be in the following format: yyyymmddhhmmss
where yyyy (4 digits for year), mm (2 digits for month), dd (2 digits for day), hh (2 digits for hour),
mm (2 digits for minutes), ss (2 digits for seconds). This field will be blank if the call never con-