Bryant 579F User Manual

Page 3

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Varislide™ and Standard Integrated Economizer — The
economizer will allow a fixed percentage (between 0 and 100%)
outdoor ventilation air into the unit any time the evaporator fan is
running. A dry-bulb thermostat placed outdoors will bring in
100% outdoor air whenever the temperature of the outdoor air
alone will adequately provide cooling. If the economizer alone
cannot provide enough cooling, then simultaneous economizer
and compressor operation will provide the most economical

• To allow a fixed percentage of outdoor air any time the evapo-

rator fan is on, or operates in economizer mode if outdoor air
can provide cooling, but closes when the evaporator fan is off
to prevent cold backdrafts and wasted energy.

• To reduce energy usage. Use whenever the number of hours

of operation at below 55 F is significant.

• The damper may be used on either vertical or horizontal


Parablade Economizer (036-150) — The unique design of the
Parablade economizer saves energy while providing economi-
cal and reliable cooling. The new design uses a parallel-
opposed blade damper to permit outdoor ventilation air to enter
the unit any time the evaporator fan is running. The economizer
will permit cooling using 100% outdoor air whenever outdoor air
alone will provide adequate cooling. If the economizer alone
cannot provide enough cooling, then simultaneous economizer
and compressor operations will provide the most economical
operation. The economizer also has built-in spring return for re-
liable close-on-power loss. The Parablade design incorporates
standard enthalpy controls.

• To allow a fixed percentage of outdoor air on vertical applica-

tions any time the evaporator fan is on, or to operate in econo-
mizer mode if outdoor air can provide cooling, but closes

when the evaporator fan is off to prevent cold backdrafts and
wasted energy.

• To reduce energy usage. Use whenever the number of hours

of operation at below 55 F is significant.

Manual Outdoor-Air Dampers — Package consists of a
damper which can be set at 25% (180-300 only) or 50% (036-
150 only) outdoor air. The package includes a rainhood and

• To allow a fixed percentage of outdoor air for ventilation under

all conditions.

• The damper may be used on either vertical or horizontal


NOTE: The 25% manual outdoor-air damper will be factory
installed whenever the factory-installed economizer is not
chosen on the 180-300 units.

Alternate Evaporator-Fan Motors and Drives — Alternate
motors and/or drives on 036-060, 090, 120, and 150 units allow
operation of the evaporator fan at conditions outside the range
of the standard factory motor and drive combination.

• When higher static/airflow is required to meet job conditions.

Controls Upgrade Kit (036-150) — The controls kit includes
high pressure, loss-of-charge/low-pressure, and freeze protec-
tion cutout switches. The high-pressure and loss-of-charge/low-
pressure switches can be easily added by screwing the
switches onto Schrader-type fittings provided on the refrigerant

• Kit provides additional protection against system high-

pressure, loss-of-charge/low-pressure, and evaporator coil
frost build-up for 036-150 units.

NOTE: These switches are standard on the 180-300 units.


Roof Curbs (Vertical and Horizontal) — Full-perimeter galva-
nized steel support frame in 14- and 24-in. high designs pro-
vides wood nailer to attach roof counter flashing. Insulated
basepans in curb are provided to prevent condensation. Duct-
work attaches to rails provided in the roof curb. A gasket is pro-
vided to form an air- and watertight seal between unit and curb.
The gasket meets the standards of the NRCA (National Roofing
Contractors’ Association).

• Rooftop application for vertical discharge.
• Slab-mounted applications when elevation of the unit is


Horizontal Adapter (180-300) — The adapter is prefabricated,
easily field-assembled, and permits full perimeter mounting. The
adapter also improves unit static performance by up to
0.6 in wg.

• Rooftop application for horizontal discharge on 180-300 units.
• Rooftop applications for horizontal discharge on 180-300

units where high air delivery cfms are required.

Utility Connection Package (036-150) — Connection plates
for gas, power, and control wires which attach to the roof curb,
allowing the gas, power, and control wires to be routed through
the roof curb.

• To minimize the number of roof penetrations when using 036-

150 units.

NOTE: Utility connection plates are not required on 180-300 units.

Condenser Coil Hail Guard (036-150) — Package consists of
a hood and coil grille which attach to the condenser coil.

• To protect the condenser coil from hail and other debris on

036-150 units.

• As an alternate location for field-installed disconnect switch.

Manual Outdoor-Air Dampers (036-150) — See description
listed under Factory-Installed Options Description and Usage
section above.

NOTE: When an accessory manual outdoor-air damper is or-
dered for the 036-150 units, the package also contains a panel
with a hole in it for easy installation.

Two-Position Damper — Package consists of a low-leak
damper assembly and a panel with a hole in it (036-150) for
easy installation. The damper will allow either 0, 25%, or 100%
(depending on accessory package) outdoor air into the unit any
time the evaporator fan is running. When the evaporator fan is
off, the damper will be closed.
• Allows a fixed percentage of outdoor air any time the evapo-

rator fan is on, but closes when the evaporator fan is off to
prevent cold backdrafts and wasted energy.

• The damper may be used on either vertical or horizontal air-

flow applications.

Varislide and Standard Integrated Economizers — See de-
scription(s) listed under Factory-Installed Options Description
and Usage section above.

1. When an accessory Varislide economizer is ordered for the

036-150 units, the package also contains a panel with a hole
in it for easy installation.

2. The Parablade economizer is not available as an accessory.

It is factory-installed only.