Troubleshooting 59 – Iomega FotoShow Digital Image Center User Manual
Page 59

Why Can’t I Locate a Photo I Saved in the Edit Room yesterday?
The Edit room is a work area and is not designed to store saved pictures. Your edited
photo is most likely in the same album as the original photo. After you open the album
that contains the original photo, you will find both photos displayed in the Photo Grid,
accessible from the Album room.
Why Do Some of My Photos Appear Sideways?
Your photos will appear onscreen just as they would if you were to look through the
printed versions, with some appearing horizontal and some vertical. Use the Rotate tool
in the Edit room to change all of your photos to the appropriate orientation. This is not a
cropping tool, but using it may move small portions of your image out of the viewing
range in full screen mode.
How Can I Save the Changes Without Losing the Original Photo?
You can keep an unlimited number of different versions of a photo. Once you have made
the changes, select Save A Copy instead of Save Over. The Save A Copy tool will save
the work you have just done without changing the original image stored on the Zip
disk. By default, the copied version will be placed in the same album or folder as the
original. Use the Move Photos In/Out tool to move the photo to another album.
How Can I Undo the Changes I’ve Made to My Picture?
Whether you want to get rid of the last couple of changes or cancel all of your edits, use
the Undo tool on the Edit room toolbar. Selecting the Undo tool will bring up a dialog
box with two choices; you can either Undo Last Change or Undo Back to Original. If you
have more than one edit to remove, use the Undo Last Change command to back
through your edits in reverse order until you have removed the unwanted changes. Once
you save your changes they cannot be undone.
Why Doesn’t the Auto Fix Button Seem to Do Anything?
Auto Fix
optimizes your picture’s inherent visual qualities, such as its brightness, contrast,
and color balance and richness. Changes made with Auto Fix will be less noticeable if a
picture’s hues, saturation and color values are already close to what would normally be
considered acceptable levels.
This button works like a toggle switch. Pressing this button once will apply the Auto Fix
enhancements, pressing it again will return the picture to its original image quality.