Introduction – I-Tech Company CMS 6R4 Series User Manual

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1. Introduction

The CMS-6R4 Console Management + Power Control Switch, is designed for

remote network management installations where rack space is precious and

only a few network elements are in the rack. The CMS-6R4 combines six

RS232 Console ports with four power reboot outlets and an internal 33.6Kbps

Modem all in a 1U package. The CMS-6R4 provides remote access to RS232

console ports and maintenance ports on UNIX servers, routers and other

network equipment, and also allows in-band or out-of-band control of power

switching and reboot operations. System Administrators can access remote

devices in order to change configuration parameters, connect users to restricted

ports, collect buffered data, and perform Power On/Off/Reboot operations and

a variety of other administrative functions.

Security Features and Co-Location Features
In order to protect access to sensitive configuration and operation features, the

CMS-6R4 provides two different levels of password security; the Supervisor

and the Non-Supervisor Level. The Supervisor Level allows access to all

configuration and switching functions, and the Non-Supervisor Level only

allows access to assigned plugs and ports, and cannot be used to change unit

Passwords transmitted via web browser use basic 64 bit encryption techniques

to assure that your user-defined passwords remain secret and secure and that

access to your equipment is protected.
In addition to password security features, the CMS-6R4 also includes

an address specific IP security mask, which can be employed to prevent

unauthorized network access to command mode, and an Invalid Access

Lockout feature, which can automatically lock ports if the unit detects a series

of invalid attempts to enter command mode.

Easy to Configure, Easy to Use
The CMS-6R4 can be configured and operated over a TCP/IP network using

standard Telnet or a JavaScript enabled Web Browser, and can also be accessed

via modem, or locally via serial port. Simple, user friendly-commands and

web page menus allow you to assign unit parameters, view status, and initiate

port connections and power switching operations. Outlets and serial ports can

be addressed by number or by user-defined names.