I-Tech Company CMS 6R4 Series User Manual

Page 43

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Confi guration

Telnet Parameters:

Service: Enables/Disables Telnet communication with the CMS-6R4

unit. When this item is "Off," users will not be able to contact the unit via

Telnet. (Default = On.)

Port Number: Selects the TCP/IP port number that will be used for

Telnet connections. The Port Number can be set to any valid number

except 80; this is because 80 is the default port number for the

CMS-6R4's Web Server feature. (Default = 23.)

Telnet Port Parameters: Provides access to the Telnet Port Parameters

menu, which is discussed in Section

In the Text Interface, Telnet Port Parameters are defined

via item 12 in the Network Parameters menu. In the Web Browser

Interface, Telnet Port Parameters are defined using the Telnet

Parameters button in the SetUp Menu.

Web Server:


In the Text Interface, Web Server Parameters are defined via

the Network Parameters menu. In the Web Browser Interface, Web

Server Parameters are defined using the Web Server Parameters button

in the Setup Menu.

Service: Enables/Disables the CMS-6R4’s Web Server. Note that when

the Web Server is disabled, you will not be able to communicate via the

Web Browser Interface. (Default = On.)

Port Number: Sets the TCP/IP Port Number. The Port Number can be

set to any valid number except 23; this is because 23 is the default port

number that is used for communication with the unit via Telnet.

(Default = 80.)

Inactivity Timeout: Enables and selects the Timeout Period for the Web

Browser Interface. If enabled, and the Web Browser Interface does not

receive or transmit commands for the specified Timeout Period, the port

will disconnect. (Default = 5 Min.)

MAC Address:

MAC Address: Displays the unit’s MAC Address. Please note that this

item only displays the assigned MAC Address, and cannot be used to

redefine the address. Note also that the MAC Address is not displayed via

the Web Browser Interface.