I-Tech Company CMS 6R4 Series User Manual
Page 106

CMS-6R4 Series - User’s Guide
Set System Parameters
Displays a menu which is used to define the Site ID message, create user
accounts, set the system clock, and configure and enable the Invalid Access
Lockout feature. Note that all functions provided by the /F command are also
available via the Web Browser Interface in the "System Properties" menu. For
more information, refer to Section 5.5.1.
Availability: Supervisor Only
/F [Enter]
Response: Displays System Parameters Menu.
Set to Factory Defaults
Clears all user-defined parameters, and resets the unit to factory default values.
Availability: Supervisor Only
/FD[,Y] [Enter]
,Y is an optional argument that can be used to suppress the
command confirmation prompt.
Displays a Help Screen, which lists all available Text Interface commands
along with a brief description of each command. Note that when the /H
command is invoked by a Non-Supervisor, the Help screen will not include
commands that are only available in Supervisor Mode.
Availability: Supervisor / Non-Supervisor
/H [Enter]
Response: Displays Help Screen.