I-Tech Company CMS 6R4 Series User Manual
Page 51

Confi guration
RS232 Port Parameters
The Port Parameters Menus are used to configure the CMS-6R4's serial RS232
Ports, and allow you to assign a name to each port and select parameters such
as the baud rate, parity and handshake mode. To access the Serial Parameters
Menu, proceed as follows:
• Web Browser Interface: Click the "Setup" button to access the Setup
Menus, and then click the "Port Parameters" button. The Port Parameters
Menu will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.14.
• Text Interface: Type
/P n and press [Enter] (where n is the number or
name of the port that you wish to configure.) The Port Parameters Menu
will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.15.
Port 7 is the Internal Modem port; the Port Mode for this port
is set to "Modem" and cannot be changed. To configure the Modem
port, either select port 7 via the Web Browser Interface, or access the
Text Interface and type
/P 7 [Enter].
As shown in Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15, the Port Parameters Menus allow
you to define the following parameters:
• Port Name: Assigns a name to this port. (Default = undefined.)
The Port name can be up to sixteen characters long, and cannot
include control characters, forward slashes (/), asterisks (*), or space
characters. The first character of the Port Name must be a letter of the
• Baud Rate: Baud Rate for this RS232 Port. (Defaults: Port 1 through
Port 6 = 9,600 bps; Port 7 (Internal Modem Port) = 57.6 Kbps.)
When this setting is changed, the new baud rate will not be
applied until the user exits and then re-enters command mode.
• Bits/Parity: The data bits and parity setting for this port.
(Default = 8 Bits, No Parity.)
• Stop Bits: The Stop Bits setting for this port. (Default = 1 Bit.)
• Handshake Mode: Selects the handshake format for this port;
XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS (hardware), Both, or None. (Default = RTS/CTS).