I-Tech Company CMS 6R4 Series User Manual
Page 82

CMS-6R4 Series - User’s Guide
6.6. The Direct Connect Feature
The Direct Connect feature allows you to initiate a Telnet session with the
CMS-6R4 and make an immediate connection to a specific RS232 Serial Port
of your choice, without first being presented with the command interface. This
allows you to connect to a discrete TCP port mapped directly to one of the
CMS-6R4 RS232 Ports.
Direct Connect employs unique, pre-assigned TCP port numbers for each
RS232 Port. The user connects to the RS232 Port of choice by including the
associated TCP port number in the Telnet connect command line.
The Direct Connect feature can be individually configured at each CMS-6R4
Serial RS232 Port. In addition, Direct Connect allows you to communicate
with the CMS-6R4 using either Standard Telnet protocol, or Raw Socket
Mode. Direct Connect can be used with any of the available RS232 Port modes
(Any to Any, Buffer, Modem, and Passive).
Standard Telnet Protocol and Raw Socket Mode
The Direct Connect feature offers the option to communicate with the
CMS-6R4 unit using either Standard Telnet Protocol or Raw Socket Mode.
The TCP Port number included in the Telnet connect command line determines
which protocol is used.
When Standard Telnet Protocol is used, the CMS-6R4 will respond to all IACs.
When Raw Socket Mode is used, data is always sent "As Is", and command
echo is always enabled.
• Telnet ports 23, 2001, and 3001 allow normal access to the CMS-
6R4 command mode. However, port 3001 will transfer data using
raw socket mode.
• The "Discard LF" setting (Telnet Parameters Menu) does not apply
to Raw connections.