HP Agent-Desktop-Laptop Computer User Manual

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Agent Desktop / Laptop – New or Replacement Installation Instructions Version 2/12/2009

Agent Desktop / Laptop Installation Instructions


Contains CONFIDENTIAL information which may not be used without express written authorization.

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Section 5 - Office Verification (Agent/Staff Logon)

Upon completion of these steps, all agents and staff members should be able to logon to their workstations and
access their H, W, and S Drives. For recently appointed offices, the users may receive “access denied errors.”
These errors should go away within 24 hours of activation. (This is an automated process, which takes effect shortly
after an agent appointment or incorporation). To correct issues regarding staff assignments, have the agent verify
access with their AFS or Agency Resources AIMS coordinator.

For New Replacement Desktop to Laptop—or Laptop to Desktop:

For workstation replacement, where a new computer name changes from the old computer name (i.e. laptop to
desktop or desktop to laptop replacement), contact Agency Technology Support (Second Level Support) (877-766-
6371, Option 2, Option 3, Option 3
) to rename the folders of the backed up data for each user. Be prepared to
provide the bar code and serial number of the old system.

Wait for Agency Technology Support to confirm all folders have been renamed before continuing.

Have the user log on. For replacement workstations, a window may appear stating, “Your Data is being Restored.
This may take up to 10 minutes, based on the amount of data on the original workstation. If the user is not in the
office, follow the steps below for data not being restored.

Note: Verify all data was restored successfully (i.e. My Documents, Quicken, etc.), and
located under My Documents in the Start menu. The user should also start Internet Explorer
and verify that their favorites have been restored. If these are missing, contact Agency
Technology Support (Second Level Support) (877-766-6371, Option 2, Option 3, Option 3).
Report that data did not restore properly on the new workstation.

Once the user verifies all data has been restored correctly, open the H: drive and remove the
“Reload BACKUP” folder.

Verify that NECHO printing works on all printers.

1. While In NECHO, ask the agent / staff member select something to print. When the ECHO printer box opens,

select the local printer and print.

2. Now print the same thing again, this time selecting the Laserjet printer from the ECHO printer box.

Ask user to launch various applications (Word, Philibert, etc.), and the machine can connect to the Internet and perform