Description – Honeywell GNS-XL User Manual
Page 267

AFIS is an Airborne Flight Information System that provides integrat-
ed flight planning and performance management interfaces to the
Nav Management System.
These interfaces consist of three major capabilities:
1. Access to ground based Global Data Center computers from a
Personal Computer for the purpose of generating or retrieving per-
formance optimized flight plans and current aviation weather;
2. Digital transfer of AFIS Flight Plan and weather data into the Nav
Management System for display and performance monitoring on
the GNS-X
Color CDU; and
3. Air/ground computer link interfacing the GNS-X
Management System to the ground based Global Data Center
computers for the purpose of providing enroute flight plan, weath-
er, performance updates, requesting pre-departure clearance,
and sending or receiving messages.
AFIS interfaces with ARINC, SITA and AVICOM VHF networks and
the Inmarsat satellite network to provide a communication link
between the aircraft and the Global Data Center. ARINC provides
coverage within the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska, the
Aleutians, Guam, Saipan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and parts of Canada;
SITA covers Europe, the South Pacific, Southeast Asia, the
Caribbean, and South and Central America and AVICOM covers
Japan. In most areas while using the VHF networks, data link cover-
age is excellent above Flight Level 200, but deteriorates below this
flight level. Satellite data link coverage is excellent both on the ground
and in-flight between 70° North and 70° South.
Many variables, including the amount of processing time and the
length of the message, effect the turnaround time for information.
Depending on the nature of the update request, the pilot should
expect a turnaround time of approximately five minutes when using
the VHF network and twelve minutes when using the satellite net-
AFIS consists of the following components: Global Data Center
(GDC), Data Transfer Unit (DTU), Data Management Unit (DMU),
and Antenna Switching Unit (ASU).
Flight Management System AFIS Operation
Rev. 3