HP VXI E1432A User Manual

Page 195

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Option AYF, Tachometer Input, provides two

tachometer inputs. When this option is installed, 2 of

the 3 SMB connectors on the VXI module are used for

tachometer inputs. When this option is not installed,

these connectorsare normally used for “External

Sample” and “Trigger.”

Each tachometer input has a programmable trigger

level. Each tach pulse causes a “Tach Edge Time” to be

recorded in a 16384-word FIFO. A “Tach Edge Time” is

the instantaneous value of the 32-bit “Tach Counter”.

A “Decimate” number can be set to ignore a number of

tach pulses before recording each Tach Edge Time. A

“Holdoff” time can be set to avoid false triggering due

to ringing.

One of the tachometer inputs can be programmed for

use as a trigger input rather than a tachometer input.

In this mode, the tachometer option can trigger the

system and measure the time between the trigger and

the next sample clock edge.

The analog signal from either of the Tachometer inputs

can be routed to an input channel using the internal

calibration path.

Tach Counter

32-bit counter with roll-over detector bit

Decimate Counter

16-bit counter

Input Signal Trigger Level (typical)
Voltage Range

Resolution, levels < ± 5V

Resolution, levels > ± 5V



− 25 V to + 25 V

40 mV

200 mV

Programmable, 0 to 250 mV

Programmable, positive or negative

Input Signal Timing
Minimum pulse width

Maximum pulse rate

Trigger holdoff

5 µs

100 kHz

1 to 65536 clock periods

Input Impedance

20 kΩ (typical)

Option AYF

Tachometer Input


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