HP VXI E1432A User Manual
Page 10

Troubleshooting the HP E1432A
Diagnostics 9-2
Replacing Assemblies
Replaceable Parts 10-2
Ordering Information 10-2
Direct Mail Order System 10-2
Code Numbers 10-3
Assemblies: without option AYF or 1D4 10-4
Assemblies: with option AYF 10-6
Assemblies: with option 1D4 10-8
Cables: without option AYF or 1D4 10-10
Cables: with option AYF 10-11
Cables: with option 1D4 10-12
Front Panel 10-13
To remove the top cover 10-14
To remove the front panel 10-15
To remove the input assemblies 10-18
To remove the option AYF assembly 10-20
To remove the option 1D4 assembly 10-21
To remove the A22/A24 assembly 10-22
To remove the A1/A11 assembly 10-23
Backdating 11-2
Main PC assembly change 11-2
Appendix A
Register Definitions
The HP E1432A VXI Registers A-2
The A16 Registers A-2
The A24 Registers A-4
32-bit Registers A-10
Command/Response Protocol A-12
DSP Protocol A-14
DSP Bus Registers A-15
HP E1432A Technical Specifications
Glossary 2-1
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