Epson Multi-mode Data Controller MFJ-1278B User Manual

Page 242

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Mode: Packet Immediate Command

MHCLEAR is an immediate command. It causes the list of stations heard to be cleared.
You can use this command in conjunction with MHEARD to keep track of the stations on
the air over a given period of time, such as an evening or a week. Clear the list of stations
heard when you first begin to monitor the packet activity.


Mode: Packet Immediate Command

MHEARD is an immediate command. The MHEARD command tells the MFJ-1278B to
display a list of stations that has been heard since the last time the command MHCLEAR
was given. Stations that are heard through digipeaters are marked with a * in the heard log.
If you clear the list of stations heard at the beginning of a session, you can use this command
to easily keep track of the stations that are active during that period. The maximum number
of heard stations that can be logged is 18. If more stations are heard, earlier entries are
discarded. Logging of stations heard is disabled when PASSALL is ON.

If the DAYTIME command has been used to set the date and time, entries in the heard log
will be time stamped. For example,

K4NTA* 06/09/85 21:08:19
WA4ITD* 06/09/85 21:08:17
W1BEL-2* 06/09/85 21:06:18
K4NTA-2* 06/09/85 20:57:35

Note that no daytime string is displayed next to N2WX. This indicates that when N2WX was
last heard the clock had not been set.


Mode: All Immediate Command

MODE is a immediate command. The MODE command selects which mode the MFJ-
1278B will be operating in. The MODE command is followed by two characters that denote
the mode selected. See Chapter 4 for a more detailed discussion of the MODE command.


Mode: Packet Default: OFF

When the MNonax25 command. is OFF the display of non-AX.25 packets is inhibited. The