Cause to avoid this issue – Microsoft Surface Hub 2 SmCamera User Manual

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Surface Hub may install updates and

restart outside maintenance hours

Article • 01/03/2023

Under specific circumstances, Surface Hub installs updates during business hours
instead of during the regular maintenance window. The device then restarts if it is
necessary. You cannot use the device until the process is completed.

To ensure that Surface Hub remains available for use during business hours, the Hub is
configured to perform administrative functions during a maintenance window that is
defined in Settings (see "References," below). During this maintenance period, the Hub
automatically installs any available updates through Windows Update or Windows
Update for Business (WUfB). Once updates are complete, the Hub may restart.

Updates can be installed during the maintenance window only if the Surface Hub is
turned on but not in use or reserved. For example, if the Surface Hub is scheduled for a
meeting that lasts 24 hours, any updates that are scheduled to be installed will be
deferred until the Hub is available during the next maintenance window. If the Hub
continues to be busy and misses multiple maintenance windows, the Hub will eventually
begin to install and download updates. This can occur during or outside the
maintenance window. Once the download and installation has begun, the device may

It's important that you set aside maintenance time for Surface Hub to perform
administrative functions. Reserving the Surface Hub for 24 hour intervals or using the
device during the maintenance window delays installing updates. We recommend that
you not use or reserve the Hub during scheduled maintenance period. A two-hour
window should be reserved for updating.


This isn't expected behavior for missing a maintenance window. It occurs only if the
device is out-of-date for a long time.


To avoid this issue