Chapter 4 configure with console, 1 run hyper terminal, Yper – PLANET IPM-1200x Series User Manual
Page 26: Erminal
Chapter 4 Configure With Console
The IP Power Manager has provided a serial port that enables you to configure and control the
system through your PC’s RS-232 serial (COM) port. Use the serial cable provided to connect
the console port to your PC’s COM port as described in “Connecting the console”. This section
describes how to use a console application to control the IP Power Manager and configure its
settings such as its IP address, outlet control parameters, access control table, and trap
receivers table.
4.1 Run Hyper Terminal
Follow these steps to start HyperTerminal and communicate with the IP Power Manager:
1. To start HyperTerminal, click Start ==> Programs ==> Accessories ==> Communications
==> HyperTerminal from the Windows Start button.
2. A New Connection opens. Type a name for the connection in the Name field and select
an icon for the connection. Click OK when done.
3. From the Connect To drop-down box, select the COM port that IP Power Manager
connected. Click OK when done.
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User’s Manual of IPM-1200x Series