Design considerations – Avago Technologies ACPL-224-500E User Manual

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Avago Technologies

Insulation and Regulation of Optically Coupled Isolation Devices

Design Considerations

The primary purpose of opto coup ler

devices is to provide both electrical

insulation and signal isolation. The

popularity of Avago Technologies'

product offer

ing can be accred-

ited to cost-effective innovations

in these areas. Yet there exists a

surpris ing level of misunderstand-

ing regarding these two terms from

both vendor and user alike. The

discrepancies that exist within the

worldwide regulatory community

add to the frustration level for many

designers. This discussion attempts

to help the designer capitalize on

Avago Technologies’ knowledge.

Insulation Defined

The electrical insulating capabil-

ity of an optocoupler, sometimes

referred to as withstand voltage, is

determined by its ability to protect

surrounding circuitry, as well as

itself, against physical damage re-

sulting from different voltage po-

tentials. This potentially damaging

phenomena can be system induced

(e.g., motor rail voltage) or externally

coupled (e.g., lightning pulse). The

insulating material between input

and output as well as the packag-

ing technology are the primary de-

terminants of withstand voltage ca-

pability. In contrast, signal isolation,

although sharing some common

causes, defines the ability of the op-

tocoupler to prevent the distortion

of data through the suppression and

filtration of common-mode tran-

sients. A further discussion of signal

isolation can be found in the section

entitled “Common-Mode Transient


The effects of repeated long-term

high-voltage stress between input

and output of an optocoupler has

continued to be an area of uncer-

tainty. Much of the technical em-

phasis has been on the ability of

optocouplers to withstand one-time

short-term high-voltage transients

(e.g., U.L. 1 minute dielectric voltage

withstand rating). Avago Technolo-

gies has conducted extensive op-

erating life tests to determine the

effects of continuous high-voltage

stress, both transient as well as

steady-state, on the degradation of

insulating perfor mance. On comple-

tion, the test data was analyzed to

determine safe operating areas for

steady-state input-output high-volt-

age stress. The boundary conditions,

as shown in Figures 1, 2, 3, have been

defined by Avago as Endurance

Voltage. The lower region refers to

the safe operat ing area for the appli-

cation of continuous steady-state ac

and dc input-output voltage stress,

or working voltage, and the middle

region to transient voltage stress.

Operation above these regions has

shown to cause wear-out either in

functionality or insulat ing capabil-

ity and is not recom mended. En-

durance Voltage is based on the

inherent properties of Avago opto-

couplers that utilize unique packag-

ing technologies and does not apply

to products manufac tured by other

vendors. In addition, as these tests

do not take into consideration par-

ticular equipment use conditions,

Avago recommends the designer

consult the appropriate regulatory

agency guidelines to determine

applicable working voltage. For an

in-depth discussion on Endurance

Voltage, consult Avago Application

Note AN1074.

Regulatory Environment

Because electrical insulation is a

function of safety, optocoupler per-

formance, both at component and

system levels, is often subject to reg-

ulatory requirements and approv-

als that vary according to country

as well as industry. Most agencies

are a mixture of govern mental and

private organizations with industry

representation. Some common reg-

ulatory agencies are listed in Table 9.
Currently, little conformity exists be-

tween the various agencies regard-

ing mechanical configura tions and

electrical test require ments. Within

the European Union, however, stan-

dardization of equipment as well as

compo nent level specifications is in

progress. In the interim, testing and

approval according to equipment

type and environ mental factors

must be obtained according to the

control docu ments of each country.

The International Electrotechnical

Commission (IEC), with worldwide

representa tion, provides a forum for

generating technical standards. The

European Committee for Electro-

technical Standardization (CENEL-

EC), has European Commission

authority to adopt IEC standards

as European Norms (EN), with the

force of law.

Table 9. Common Regulatory Agencies




Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker



Underwriters Laboratories

United States


Canadian Standards Association



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