TA Triumph-Adler CX 8036 User Manual

Page 193

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Section 8 Request


Used to lock printing to a specific roll size used in folding this document. Valid values are
0=36” roll, 1=34”, 2=30”, 3=24”, 4=22”, 5=18”, 6=17”, 7=12”, 8=11”, 9=8.5” or the word
“Closest”. If using a value 0-9, the controller will prompt the user for this media size
before continuing to print. This will stop the printer and other jobs from printing until the
user inserts this size of media. If “Closest” is used, the Controller will use the media that
fits the image the best after applying the rotation specified. Note: If using Force Size
feature of the Job Ticket you must also use the same Roll Size for Force Size in
FolderRollSize of the .FLD file.

Refers to the preset in the Kipfoldpreset.ini. The settings defining packet size, margin, and
fan and cross fold settings are set in the kipfoldpreset.ini by the technician at the controller.
As a feature of Request 5 SR3, user can display the names of these settings in the new
Rotate/Fold menus. The Request obtains a copy of the kipfoldpreset.ini from the current
Log Directory (Log Directory as set in Unattend, Configuration, Miscellaneous Setup)
named “presets.ini”.