RISCO Group ACOS User Manual

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User Manual for ACOS

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© RISCO Group


Note: You can also enter the Main Installer name directly in the name field. The separator is a

space. For example, if you enter the name as AmiJosephWatson, then it will be recognised
as only the last name by the system. Hence, use a space to separate the names.

6. Click

OK. The name of the Main Installer is displayed in the Name field on the screen.

7. Enter the Email address of the main installer in the Email Address field.
8. Enter


Login ID for the main installer in the Login ID field. This unique Identification

Number distinguishes each installer. The installer uses to log on to ACIS.

9. Enter the One Time Password (OTP) Device identification number in the OTP Device ID

field. OTP device is used for user authentication. The OTP Device is sent to the Installer
who uses it to logon to ACIS. This is a mandatory field and the value entered in OTP Device
ID field is validated with the data on OTP server. OTP Serial Number length should be
between 1 to 100 Characters. It could be an alpha-numeric value also. For example,
F797877, DIV0010, GQ145689.

10. Click Create. The system displays a message, “Installer Company created successfully”.

Figure 23: Installer Company Created Successfully

When an installer company is created successfully, then an email with the user name and OTP Device ID

is sent to installer’s email address specified in the Main Installers tab. For example, the following figure

illustrates the sample of an email sent to the installer.