Extron Electronics Matrix 200 User Manual
Page 48

Extron • Matrix 200 • User’s Manual
Chapter 4 • Using the Front Panel Controller
Tie Group Level
The Matrix 200 has three I/O Gangs: RGBS, Video and Audio. The Tie Group
Level allows one or more Gangs to be configured as a Group. On the FPC, each
of these three Gangs has a button. In the LCD display, the Gang names are
abbreviated as: RGB, VID, and AUD. Use the steps below to set up a group.
For this example, combine RGB with Audio and set them up as a Group.
1. Press Escape to display the default Tie Menu (if not already displayed).
Observe that the cursor is at the 0,3 position.
2. If necessary, use the Up/Down cursor control keys to display “RGB” to the
right of the cursor (as pictured above). RGB is a group by itself, but, for this
example, add Audio.
3. On the FPC, press RGBS, and then AUDIO. Observe that the LED indicators
at the center of both the RGB and AUDIO buttons are lit, indicating that the
corresponding functions have been selected.
_______ If the Matrix is not configured for a particular function (for example, no Audio),
the LED in the center of the button will not light.
4. The LCD display should now show GRP, instead of RGB. This means that
more than one Gang has been selected. See figure below. For this example,
connect input 4 (consisting of RGB and Audio) to output 1.
5. Use the Left/Right keys to position the cursor under the first input/output
connection to be switched. In this example, under the “0” below output #1.
6. Move the cursor to the first input/output position (INP #1). Use the Up/Down
cursor keys to step to “4” in the lower row. (Or press the “4” key on the
numeric keypad.) See picture.
Observe that the “4” is blinking to signify a “tentative” connection. That is, the
connection has not yet been stored in memory.
7. Move the cursor to the next input/output connection to be made and enter the
desired input number. Continue until all input/output selections have been
made. Observe that all input/output connections to be changed should now be
blinking to show tentative connections (the changes have not yet been
stored). Those positions that have not been altered will not blink.
8. When all input/output connections have been made, press Enter to store the
input/output connection settings.