Appendix b • programming guide b-21 – Extron Electronics Matrix 200 User Manual

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Extron • Matrix 200 • User’s Manual

Appendix B • Programming Guide


Configure Audio Inputs

Case 1 — SCMD = 85h, configure input section of plane #5 (standard audio board



Format: 54h, 85h, {(InLeftGain, InRightGain, InMisc, CR), ...}Cks1, Cks2, EOT

Where: InLeftGain, bits 6 - 0 are the seven most significant bits of the left

channel gain of the input circuit. (Range: 81h - FFh = -95dB to + 31dB)

InRightGain, bits 6 -0 are the seven most significant bits of the right
channel gain of the input circuit. (Range: 81h - FFh = -95dB to +31dB)

InMisc, are the miscellaneous bits associated with the input circuit:
bit 0 = lsb (the 8th) of the left input gain (if 1, add 0.5 dB to InLeftGain)
bit 1 = lsb (the 8th) of the left input gain (if 1, add 0.5 dB to InRightGain)
bit 2 = 1 for standard/consumer signal input level (-10 dBu)
= 0 for professional input level (+4 dBu)
bits 6-3 are reserved; must be zero
bit 7 = always “1” (this is a data byte)

Example: 54h, 85h, EAh, EAh, 83h, 0Dh, ...Cks1, Cks2, 04h

Set left & right input #1 for +10.5dB at professional input level. A string
follows for the remaining seven audio inputs.

Configure Audio Outputs

Case 2 — SCMD = 95h, configure output of plane #5 (standard audio board


Format: 54h, 95h, {(OutLeftGain, OutRightGain, OutMisc, CR) ...}

Where: OutLeftGain, bits 6-0 are not used; must be 80h.

OutRightGain, bits 6-0 are not used; must be 80h.

OutMisc are the miscellaneous bits associated with the output circuit:
bit 0 = reserved; must be zero.
bit 1 = reserved; must be zero.
bit 2 = 1 for standard/consumer signal input level (-10 dBu)
= 0 for professional input level (+4 dBu)
bits 4-3 connect the left and right stereo channels as follows:

00b = Pass thru (left-to-left, right-to-right)
01b = left channel to both left & right outputs
10b = right channel input to both left & right outputs
11b = swap: left input to right output; right input to left output.

bits 6-5 are reserved; must be zero.
bit 7 = always “1” (this is a data byte)

Example: 54h, 95h, 80h, 80h, 9Ch, 0Dh, ... Cks1, Cks2, 04h

Set output #1 for consumer signal and swap left & right channels. A
data string must follow for each of the other seven outputs.

dB range:


FFh +31
FEh +30
E0h 0dB




C1h -31
C0h -32


See conversion
table on page B-2.

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