Emerson MONITORING OpenComms User Manual

Page 38

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Firmware Updates


Once the last file is downloaded,

the screen at right will appear.

Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to

change the baud rate back to 9600 bps as

show in the illustration below right.
After the communication settings are

adjusted, hit the Enter key on your key-

board. The screen at right will appear.
You can also cycle power on the Open-

Comms NIC card. This action will also

initiate communications and provide

information on current revision status.

Once the “Initializing Network…” line

appears, hit the Enter key on your key-

Select X and the card will reboot.
To ensure that the latest firmware is

downloaded to the OpenComms NIC

card, cycle power by removing and

restoring the power connection at TB3.

The information below will appear.