0 operation, 1 snmp, 2 liebert global products mib – Emerson MONITORING OpenComms User Manual

Page 20: Peration, Snmp, Liebert global products mib

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The OpenComms Network Interface Card supports “get,” “getnext,”

“set,” “response” and “trap” packets of SNMP (Simple Network Man-

agement Protocol). The OpenComms NIC supports MIB-II, RFC1628

and Liebert Global Products MIBs. The terms “alarms” and “condi-

tions” will be used interchangeably through out this description.

Alarms are generated and maintained through the RFC 1628 UPS

MIB. Conditions are generated and maintained through the Liebert

Global Products MIB.
The RFC 1628 UPS MIB provides information for the supported UPS

devices. The Liebert Global Products MIB provides information for the

supported environmental devices. All conditions that are listed are

dependent upon what the unit itself supports. When a condition

occurs within the unit, it is logged into the condition table within the

appropriate MIB and a unique ID is assigned. A description of the con-

dition along with the value of the system up-time when the condition

was generated is placed into the table as well. A trap is then sent out

to the monitoring system.


Liebert Global Products MIB

Environmental units log conditions in the Liebert Global Products

MIB. Traps for the environmental units are generated out of the Lie-

bert Global Products MIB. Currently, there are only two traps that are

sent for environmental units through the MIB: Event Condition Entry

Added and Event Condition Entry Removed. The Event Condition

Entry Added is sent each time a condition is inserted into the condi-

tions table. This trap provides the condition ID, the condition descrip-

tion, and the condition time. The Event Condition Entry Removed is

sent each time a condition is removed from the conditions table. This

trap provides the condition ID, the condition description, and the con-

dition time.