Magnum Energy MP Extension Box (MPX Series) User Manual

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3.0 Installation

© 2011 Magnum Energy, Inc.


3. Route a DC negative battery cable (black) from the battery bank thru the bottom of the MP enclosure

for each inverter.

4. Connect the end of each DC negative battery cable (black) to the battery negative connection (DC

shunt’s bottom busbar).

5. Route an appropriately sized DC equipment ground wire from the ground terminal in the battery

bank enclosure to the DC ground terminal in the MP enclosure.

6. Route an appropriately sized DC grounding wire (green or bare wire) from the DC GROUND busbar

in the MP enclosure to the system ground (see the MP owner’s manual for information on sizing and

connecting the system ground wire).

7. Ensure the DC wire connections (to the inverter, DC circuit breaker, and DC shunt) are fl ush on the

surface of the DC terminals and the hardware used to hold these connections are stacked correctly

(see Figure 3-17); and then securely tighten these connections.

IMPORTANT: Only after the entire installation is complete and all connections are verifi ed,

should the DC circuit breaker be closed to provide power to the inverters.

MPXS-30D Communication Wiring

Each MPXS-30D kit includes a remote cable and a stacking cable for connecting to a router. The

Magnum router comes with two CAT 5 stacking cables and two RJ11 remote cables. The MP enclosure

comes with an extension cable for connecting the inverter to a Battery Temperature Sensor (BTS).

Connecting Remote Cables to Router (Figure 3-18e - MPSL-30D, Figure 3-19e - MPSH-30D)
1. Using the supplied RJ11 remote cables, route a cable from each inverter through the MPX to

the attached router.

2. Connect one end of each remote cable to the Remote (blue label) port on each installed inverter.
3. Connect the other end of each remote cable to its respective comm port (P1-P6) on the router.

Info: It is recommended that the Master inverter be connected to Port 1, Slave 1 to Port 2

etc., in order to keep track of which inverter is displayed on each port.

Connecting Stacking Cables to Router (Figure 3-18e - MPSL-30D, Figure 3-19e - MPSH-30D)
1. Using the supplied stacking (CAT 5) cables, route a cable from each inverter through the MPX

to the attached router.

2. Connect one end of each stacking cable to the Stack Port (red label) on each installed inverter.
3. Connect the other end of each stacking cable to its respective CAT 5 port on the router (MA,

SL1, SL2, and SL3 ports for the appropriate number of installed inverters).

Info: At least one CAT 5 cable must be plugged into the router’s MA port in order for the

router to operate any inverters.

Battery Temperature Sensors (BTS) (Figures 3-18e - MPSL-30D, Figure 3-19e - MPSH-30D)
The Battery Temperature Sensor provides the inverter with precise battery temperature information

that enables the batteries to be correctly charged under extreme temperature changes. If the BTS

is not installed and the batteries are subjected to large temperature changes, battery life may be

1. Using the supplied extension cable, route the cable from the Master inverter through the MPX

and the MP enclosure to the BTS.

Info: When the inverters are installed in parallel, the BTS must be connected to the

Master inverter.

2. Connect one end the extension cable to the Battery Temp Sensor port (yellow label) on the

Master inverter.

3. Connect the other end of the extension cable to the RJ-11 connector on the BTS.

Connecting the DC Cables from the MP Enclosure to the Battery Bank

Once all the wiring is completed, connect the DC cables from the MP enclosure to the battery bank.