10 jump commands – HEIDENHAIN TNC 122 Technical Manual User Manual
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TNC 122
12 PLC Description
12.2.10 Jump Commands
Unconditional jump (JP)
Operands: jump address (LBL)
The JP command instructs the processor to continue the program at the specified jump address
(Label). This command interrupts a logic sequence.
Jump if Logic Accumulator = 1 (JPT)
Operands: jump address (LBL)
The JPT command is a conditional jump command. If the Logic Accumulator is 1, the program is
continued from the specified jump address (Label). If the Logic Accumulator is 0, the jump is not
processed. This command interrupts a logic sequence.
Jump if Logic Accumulator = 0 (JPF)
Operands: jump address (LBL)
The JPF command is a conditional jump command. If the Logic Accumulator is 0, the program is
continued from the specified jump address (Label). If the Logic Accumulator is 1, the jump is not
processed. This command interrupts a logic sequence.
Call Module (CM)
Operands: jump address (LBL)
CM instructs the processor to leave the main program and process the Module designated by the
jump address (LBL). Modules are independent subprograms and are terminated by the EM
command. They can also be called at multiple points in the main program. This command interrupts
a logic sequence.
Call Module if Logic Accumulator = 1 (CMT)
Operands: jump address (LBL)
The CMT command is a conditional module call. If the Logic Accumulator is 1, the Module with the
specified jump address (Label) is processed. If the Logic Accumulator is 0, the main program
continues without a module call. This command interrupts a logic sequence.
Call Module if Logic Accumulator = 0 (CMF)
Operands: jump address (LBL)
The CMF command is a conditional module call. If the Logic Accumulator is 0, the Module with the
specified jump address (Label) is processed. If the Logic Accumulator is 1, the main program
continues without a module call. This command interrupts a logic sequence.