The scriptedit menus and toolbars – Grass Valley SCRIPT Viewer News Rev.A User Manual

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The SCRIPTedit Menus and Toolbars

Viewer Menus and Toolbars

PVTV SCRIPT Viewer consists of two software applications that work together:
SCRIPTedit and SCRIPTview. The Viewer menu enables you to cue, pause, and make
changes to the text scrolling in the SCRIPTview window.

If you are working only in SCRIPTedit, and SCRIPTview is not running, then the
Viewer menu will be unavailable.

File/ Open: Loads existing scripts into the SCRIPTview display. Select a file, then
click [OK] to load it into SCRIPTview.

File/ Script Information: Displays the loaded script’s SCRIPTview Script
dialog box, listing various statistics, including the Title, Subject, Author,
Company, Category, and Comments.

Connect keypad to Port: When selected, establishes the communications link
between the SCRIPT Viewer CPU and the camera, allowing you to use the keypad
with the system.

Disconnect keypad from Port: When selected, breaks the communications link
between the SCRIPT Viewer CPU and the camera so the keypad cannot be used.

Cue System: Cues the script to the beginning.

Run: Begins the scrolling of the script.

Pause: Pauses the script.

© 1999 ParkerVision, Inc. • Use Your SCRIPT Viewer™ System

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