8985fsp/fs sd/hd frame sync/proc amp modules, Introduction, Module features – Grass Valley 8985FS v.1.3.2 User Manual

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8985FSP/FS — Instruction Manual


8985FSP/FS SD/HD Frame
Sync/Proc Amp Modules


This manual covers installation, configuration, and operation for the
8985FSP SD/HD Frame Sync Proc Amp and the 8985FS SD/HD Frame
Sync modules.


Configuration of this module requires the presence of an 8900NET module
(Net Card) in the GeckoFlex frame. 8900NET software version 4.3.0 is
required for updating older version 8985FS/FSP modules to version 1.3.2
and is also recommended for operation.

Module Features

The two versions of the 8985 frame sync module provide various degrees
of frame synchronization and video processing for environments utilizing
SD and HD signals in both broadcast and ProAV applications. These envi-
ronments require video signals to be synchronized with other video
sources and processed for video quality.

The following features are available with this module series.

Auto-sensing of input video standard,

Two module set including a hot-swappable front and rear module.

Up to ten audio or video modules in the same 2 RU GeckoFlex frame,
including all 8900 Gecko Series modules.

An optional Genlock submodule (8900GEN-SM) mounted on the
8985FSP/FS circuit board accepts an external reference (NTSC/PAL
color black or Tri-Level Sync) and manages Local reference or two sep-
arate frame buses can be enabled when the submodule is installed on
the modules in slots 1 and 3 of the frame.

A fiber optic submodule option provides optical input/output inter-
faces for all models. Refer to

Table 1 on page 19

for a list of SFP submod-

ules used with these modules.

This manual is related to the following products: