Configuration guidelines – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 48

Automatic database restoration is not supported when a separate database server is configured.
If you perform manual database restoration on the database server, the system restarts the SQL Server
database. Make sure that the SQL Server database on the database server is not occupied by other
Configuration guidelines
If a component of the iMC BIMS has a large amount of data, do not configure backup and
restoration for such data through Dbman. To disable Dbman from backing up the database,
perform the following:
In the dbman\etc folder of the database server of the component, create a file with extension .skip (for
example, config.skip), and write the following to the file:
dbName=config_db (for SQL Server)
dbUserName=imc_config (for Oracle)
After you save the .skip file, Dbman automatically reads the file and does not back up the database in
the file.
To add more configurations in the backup and restoration configuration file besides the properties
configured with Dbman in the Automatic Backup and Restoration window, write the configurations
to be added to file INSTALL_DIR\dbman\etc\dbman_addons.conf. After you save the file, iMC
BIMS automatically executes the configurations you added.
For example, write the following before or after database restoration:
BeforeSQLScript_monitor_db_imc_monitor = D:\1.bat
AfterSQLScript_monitor_db_imc_monitor = D:\2.bat
To use the report/table customization function of iAR on the master and backup iMC BIMS systems,
perform following operations.
A backup license provides only the reading right. To synchronize the report/table template of the master
system to the backup system, you must advertise that template on the backup system by using the trial
version and then register the backup system.
Dbman does not support backup and restoration of the data saved in the configuration file of iMC
BIMS and other locations.
For iMC BIMS maintenance, some configuration data of iMC BIMS is not saved in the databases, but
saved in the configuration file. If you have modified the configuration data, you must manually copy the
configuration file from the master server cluster to the backup server cluster when you back up and restore
databases. The configuration includes operator authentication sever configuration information (saved in
iMC\client\conf\authserver.conf) and device append definition configuration (saved in