H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 47

After the configuration, click OK. A message dialog box appears, as shown in
Figure 35 Database backup prompt message
Perform the following operations as prompted:
Copy the configuration file generated on the iMC BIMS master server to the database server.
Copy the configuration file on the specified path to the database server. The system will prompt you with
the path of the configuration file and the IP address of the database server.
Copy the Dbman file to the database server.
Copy the dbman folder in the iMC BIMS installation path to the database server (to the INSTDIR folder,
for example):
On the Windows operating system, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, which is saved in
iMC BIMS installation DVD\components\common\server\vcredist.exe.
On the Linux operating system, set the environment variable export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
Run Dbman on the database server.
On Windows, open the Command Prompt window, and use the cd command to enter the
INSTDIR\\dbman\\bin\\ folder. On Linux, open the Terminal window, and use the cd command to
enter the INSTDIR/dbman/bin/ folder. Then perform the following operations as prompted:
Start automatic backup and restoration: dbman.
Stop automatic backup and restoration: dbman -k.
Manual backup: dbman –backup “path where the backup file is saved”
Manual restoration: dbman –restore “name of the backup file to be restored”
When you restore multiple databases simultaneously, you can refer to this sentence: dbman –restore
“C:\ monitor_db_imc_monitor_db_20090626_095700_full.db;C:\
Check whether Dbman runs normally: dbman –c