H3C Technologies H3C SecBlade SSL VPN Cards User Manual

Page 31

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| Change The HyperTerminal's Baudrate Accordingly |

| Press 'Enter' to exit with things untouched. |


| <1> 9600(Default) * |

| <2> 19200 |

| <3> 38400 |

| <4> 57600 |

| <5> 115200 |

| <0> Exit |


Enter Your Choice(0-5):


Select a proper baud rate, 5 for example for the baud rate of 115200 bps. The following

information is displayed:

Baudrate has been changed to 115200 bps.

Please change the terminal's baudrate to 115200 bps, press ENTER when ready.

At this time, the baud rate of the serial interface on the SecBlade card is modified to 115200 bps, while
that of the HyperTerminal is still 9600 bps. Therefore, the SecBlade card and the HyperTerminal cannot

communicate with each other. You need to change the baud rate on the HyperTerminal and make it

consistent with that of the serial interface on the SecBlade card so that they can communicate with each

Perform the following operations on the HyperTerminal:


Select Call > Disconnect to disconnect the HyperTerminal connection.

Figure 11 Disconnect the HyperTerminal connection


Select File > Properties. Click Configure (F)… in the test Properties dialog box and change the bits
per second to 115200.